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My cousin dream come true pat 6

Before I get into this. I want to thank everyone for all the comments and reactions to this story. As you all can guess. Proper writing is not my strong suit. And neither is spelling. lol

Also I have gotten a few questions about my wife's brother. And the rest of that story. Or at least how the conversation went between them when he was threatening to tell their parents. Honestly she didn't share a lot of actual conversation with me. She was pissed as you can guess. So I didn't push for much detail. But there is more to that story. And I will share it with you all soon. I will warn you. It isn't what you all think. lol. But for now on with my cousin.

Like I said he stopped by when I wasn't home. Which is what he had been doing before all of this happened. My wife said that when she let him in. He was acting very timid. And she wasn't too sure of herself either. She didn't know what to expect. But she told me she was not surprised he showed up. Since our last time we saw him things had calmed down and was cordial.

She said the conversation was strange at first. But gradually relaxed . After catching up with what had been happening with everyone. She said he apologized again. And that he felt so bad for telling her brother. She said she asked him why he had done it?

He told her that, her brother knew that he was planning on trying to lose his virginity. To his prom date. He asked him how it went. She told me that my cousin was very upset with himself. But was honest with her. She said he told her. That he had told her brother about his date dumping him. And how he had rode home with us. Her brother said something to the effect to bad man. My cousin told my wife he didn't know why but he said it . But he said it is alright. Your sister made up for it.

When he said that. Her brother wanted to know more. He told my wife that once he started he just couldn't stop. He told her brother everything. Including what happened the next morning.

My wife said . I understand how you guys brag. So I can see how it happened. I asked what happened after my cousin had confessed. what did she tell him. She said she told him all is forgiven. But that he had better never tell anyone else. She said then she asked if he had told anyone else. She said he swore that he hadn't. And that he would never make that mistake again. Then he asked for a hug.

She said she gave him the hug. And as she went to pull away. He held her tight. She said she let him hold for a few moments more. Then as they parted. She said she felt him moving in to kiss her. She said she gave him a quick friendly peck on the lips. And stepped away. She said she told him. Let's don't get that started again. She said she told him to much has happened for anything like that to happen again.

She said he looked so sad. She said she shook her head. He asked if he could do anything to change her mind. She said no. That things had gotten out of hand anyway. She said it should have never happened in the first place. She said he said well I am glad that it did . Then he asked her. Did you at least enjoy any of it.

She told me she realized that he was very unsure of himself. And she felt sorry for him. She told him that of course she did. She said she told him he is a great kisser. And she liked the way he was watching us as we made love. And she told me. She even said to him that he has an amazing member. And she loved how it felt in her hand and the way it felt rubbing against her. She told him. That he was going to make some lucky girls very happy some day with that thing.

She said he smiled at that. But then he asked her. If that is true. He would rather it be her. She said she was trying to think of how to get out of the conversation. When he asked her if she had ever thought how it would feel inside of her. She said okay that's enough of this conversation.

She laughed as she told me that. She was trying to make light of everything. But he asked her again. And again she tried to avoid the question. She said he laughed and asked again. Until she finally said yes I have thought about it. There are you happy. He smiled at her and said well I can show you.

She said she laughed and told him she had to be somewhere. And she started pushing him to leave.

As he was walking towards the door he asked her are you sure nothing can ever happen again? She said she told him I am pretty sure. He laughed and said so you are not absolutely sure. She said she laughed at his joke. And pushed him out the door.
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ArthurM72 · 51-55, M
ArthurM72 · 51-55, M
@Wifeswapper53 I don’t know why it doesn’t show for me when I click on your profile. I can see part 1 - 6.
Wifeswapper53 · 56-60, C
@ArthurM72 I am not sure. I will try and figure it out.
Wifeswapper53 · 56-60, C
@ArthurM72 Accept my message for part 7, it wont let me send you another message. until you accept the first message
virgin888 · 36-40, MVIP
is she hot?
Wifeswapper53 · 56-60, C
@virgin888 Absolutely! Still Is to this day
virgin888 · 36-40, MVIP
@Wifeswapper53 can i see
LookingIn · M
pretty sure … such a simple slip of the tongue 😊

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