Would you like to be shared?Would you like it if your hubby shared you with other man? Does he know about it? Who would you prefer, strangers or buddies? I would like to hear a woman perspective on this topic!
Wife enjoys more than twoYears age we flirted with a couple we knew and began sharing spouses. The number of men has grown faster than other wives. Anyone else enjoying an active wife who craves great partners she knows vs random partners?
Not so much a question but an apology.I have chatted with a lot of wonderful people but sometimes those chats get lost so if you were ever waiting for a response from me and didn’t get it I am sorry. I always try to reply to everyone!
My cousin dream come true pat 6Before I get into this. I want to thank everyone for all the comments and reactions to this story. As you all can guess. Proper writing is not my strong suit. And neither is spelling. lol Also I have gotten a few questions about my wife's brother.... See More »
My cousins dream come true part 5So about four or five days later I came home from work. To find my wife super pissed. She tells me. That she had stopped by her mom and dad's to pick something up from her mom. But only her little brother was home. (just for context. Her brother was... See More »