I think there are persuasive, rational arguments on both sides but your one-sentence question gives no one enough info about the two of you to base an opinion. Instead of requiring us to fill in the blanks with mere guesses, you need to write paragraphs, not just one wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am word-quickie.
Depends on if you two can handle that within your relationship. Don't drag another man through a mess just because you were curious and wanted to test out a fantasy.
The question I have after years of experience and both sides of the question is "Why would you want your wife to sleep with another man"
Do you feel inadequate? Do you not feel that she should be totally committed to you? This list can go on and on as to why asking your wife to sleep around is a BAD IDEA. Right down to the fact that you don't really LOVE HER. You put her at risk for disease, some of which could kill her. You excuse yourself from learning how to satisfy her. Why did you bother to waste the time and money to get married?
The real definition of REAL marriage is a committed relationship between two people, MALE and FEMALE. The two shall "become one flesh". That is why divorce hurts, the ONE flesh is ripped apart. Her body belongs to her husband and His body belongs to his wife. Violating these rules has created the disaster we have today. Humans look for other was and are deceived. Those are the FACTS. Some of us learned the hard way. Just trying to save you a lot of pain. Yes there is ownership in marriage.
I can never understand the idea that you should want to watch your wife having sex with other men.Its a sick world.Have people no respect or self-esteem?
@curiousorfantasy @VeronicaJane Veronica Jane asked you (a year ago) if this fantasy has become a reality and what is the outcome. I'm very curious myself to have some insight into this sort of decision. Would you mind updating us? It's OK if you backed down or if she didn't want to. To answer your initial question though (1.5 years later) I hope you weren't thinking of forcing this activity on her! She is not your sex-toy to dominate... she's your partner and partners should share their desires.
So if you found out she was getting it behind your back without you knowing,you would be hurt,not because she finds you sexually repulsive,but that she just didnt ask your permission? So it would be ok otherwise?
thats your outlook as well as your wifes willingness to have others penis inside her and indulge in overnight outings,, Are you insufficient sexually or is she oversexed?/ I will offer my whale if she wants and agrees..