I personally think all the hot women prefer to listen to this music like at a club cuz they hot right AmIright (1)
I Find Them FascinatingMy wife. Younger model. Gorgeous, of course, but she's in MENSA. Highly intelligent. Her brain is just on another level. Science, Space, Movies, Sport - she'll just throw out pieces of info. Just where does it come from? Crazy!
UK women, if someone asks her male flatmate if her top is too revealing before she goes to work as a barmaid does it mean a) she fancies him and wantshim to look, b) she just wants to know, or c) she doesn't fancy him and is teasing him?
British women, if a woman says someone isn't sexy because he is wooden, does it mean he doesn't move a lot?Ed
In UK if a woman serving me for click & collect says "good photo" while seeing my i d and starts telling me she doesn't like her passport photo, doesit mean she fancies me?