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Why are people obsessed with curves so much?

I mean yeah they’re sexy and womanly. Men prefer curvy women for wives but why go crazy on it. I admit as a girl I envied curvier girls because they had bodies most girls die for. I was stick thin. I’m slim with curves but not thick. I like my slim body.
I’m not saying it’s wrong to prefer curves. They’re sexy as hell but don’t shame girls and woman that don’t have them.
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LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
I don’t think its the curves themselves that make women attractive. I think its how they embrace the curves and accept them. Nothing is sexier than a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. They are real.
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
@LunarOrbit That’s all that matters 💖💖
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I'm attracted to women of pretty much every body type. While a woman's physicality may be attention getting, it's really personality that determines whether I find a woman attractive or not.
It's confidence that is sexy whether you're a size 6 or size 16 ..doesn't matter ...
EndlessHorizon · 46-50, M
I can’t speak for other guys, but I’m attracted to lots of different body types.
PetiteJulie01 · 22-25, F
Because it’s sexy! But a woman’s confidence and her personality is what makes then sexier. Not just the body.
Atleast your not heavy. Enjoy your body.
Fawma123 · 46-50, M
Just love the body your in
Don’t stress we’re all beautiful. They love it.
Whodunnit · M
they’re sexy and womanly

That's kind of the reason.

There are folks that like all sorts of body types though.
Seems like a fad to me.
I’m slim with curves
.... Perfect.
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
I like all sizes. Idk what you look like but I’m sure you are fine
chrisCA · M
I think the shamers are just envious.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
When all is said and done, the way a woman carries herself is the last word.

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