What part of huh don't you understand?
My youngest is suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. No I am not a doctor but I used to play one on TV. If NPD is not the case then he just simply is a sociopath. And either way he has obstructed my portrait of happiness as guaranteed by the constitution. Oh course these were the same guys that wrote.... "That all men are created equal..." But they were slave owners and that didn't count. Every now and then I piss my son off and he will s sincerely ask me if now do I understand why he wants to kill me. All y'all know me... I try to get the simpleton lol I'm my eyes and quietly shake my head and say no? Like explain that again why you want me dead.
Ok I've legally vented. Thanks for reading there will not be a test. And if there is every correct answer will be A.
Ok I've legally vented. Thanks for reading there will not be a test. And if there is every correct answer will be A.