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God in the Bible and God outside the Bible

God in the Bible means God from His own revelation about Himself and what He wants mankind to do to earn His love.

God outside the Bible means God as mankind can and does know Him to exist, by mankind's reason and intelligence.

So, we can call God in the Bble as the God of supernature, while we can call God as mankind can and does know Him to exist, by mankind's reason and intelligence, as the God of nature.

Believers in the God of supernature expect God to work miracles, like commanding the sun (earth) to stop moving, while fans of the God of nature are happy that God created nature and is in control of nature.

Now, what is natutre? Nature is what mankind encounters everyday and everywhere and everytime, namely: the regular events of say sunshine and rain and the air and the seas and mankind itself i.e. humans like you and me, and everything else not made by mankind.

After death, what is the lot of believers in the God of the Bible i.e. the God of supernature, believers will enjoy everlasting life.

What about the fans of the God of nature? They could hope to come back to life again.
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Dshhh · M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP Dude I think your key is stuck
This message was deleted by its author.
Dshhh · M
@HeidiA please do,,, spread it around
yrger · 80-89, M
@DocSavage @newjaninev2 @BibleData @Emosaur @LeopoldBloom
@HollyW @BibleData @Thodsis @SW-User @deadgerbil @Dshhh
@HeidiA @ImperialAerosolKidFromEP @lacrossegirl25 @Rhode57

Hi everyone, the list above is my invitation to you all to join in the discussion. If you are not happy with it, then you can opt to not receive any notification, by cancelling the notification feature.

@DocSavage @newjaninev2 @BibleData @Emosaur @LeopoldBloom [@HollyW] [@TheoreticSkeptic] [@Thodsis] [@Mithraia] [@deadgerbil] [@Dshhh] [@HeidiA] [@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP] [@lacrossegirl25] [@Rhode57]

Here is an exercise in using our reason and intelligence:

There is the reality of existence of all kinds of beings in existence, can it occur that all kinds of existence go into extinction i.e. nothingness?

My answer is "No, not all kinds of beings can go into extinction i.e. into nothingness.

What about you all guys who have reason and intelligence, what is your answer?
yrger · 80-89, M
@DocSavage @newjaninev2 @TheoreticSkeptic @Emosaur @LeopoldBloom @HollyW @TheoreticSkeptic @Thodsis @SW-User @deadgerbil @Dshhh @HeidiA @ImperialAerosolKidFromEP @lacrossegirl25 @Rhode57

Hi everyone, the list above is my invitation to you all to join in the discussion. If you are not happy with it, then you can opt to not receive any notification, by cancelling the notification feature.


TheoreticSkeptic · M

I don't believe in the reason and intelligence of mankind.

I like to ask you this question, aside from mankind's reason and intelligence, what alternatives do have in order to get to know reality?
yrger · 80-89, M
@DocSavage @newjaninev2 @BibleData @Emosaur @LeopoldBloom @HollyW @BibleData @Thodsis @SW-User @deadgerbil @Dshhh @HeidiA @ImperialAerosolKidFromEP @lacrossegirl25 @Rhode57

Hi everyone, the list above is my invitation to you all to join in the discussion. If you are not happy with it, then you can opt to not receive any notification, by cancelling the notification feature.

Rhode57 · 56-60, M

Sorry but its all BS . If you study the true bible not the bible the church allows but the bible including all the redacted books the church doesnt wish you to see it totally contradictory and was written 3000 or more years after christ and the story of christs birth and crucifixtion are all wrong . Pontius pilot wasnt around when jesus was so how could he have ordered his crucifixtion is just one of the many hiccups I noticed studying the true bible.

I am not examining God in the Bible, but God outside the Bible, so I can't talk with you on God in the Bible, Whom I know to be the God of supernature.

My concern is with God outside the Bible Whom I know from reason and intelligence, and I call the God outside the Bible as the God of nature.

Are you atheist also in regard to the God of nature, meaning you don't accept from your reason and intelligence there is the God of nature, the creator and operator of nature?

Tell me then from your reason and intelligence how and why you don't accept the existence of the God of nature.

I am keen to read your alternative explanation for the existence of nature, if there is no God of nature Who is the creator and operator of nature?
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Imp, welcome to my thread, are you an atheist?

I am glad to read that in the social media by "the same principle" atheists are so much more intelligent."

Suppose you tell me:
1. What is that principle?
2. More intelligent than what people?
3. Give me an example of more intelligence atheists possess than other people (who?), on the issue of God existing as the creator and operator of nature - make it brief but persuasive.

ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 46-50, M
@Dshhh is that the same principle by which atheists are so much more intelligent: because it says so right in social media (over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ove . . .













Dshhh · M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP so you are the kind to stick you fingers in your ears and go LLALAALALA I cane heeeer you!
@Dshhh nothing so pedestrian! I stick my fingers in my ears and sing the can-can
Dshhh · M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP no surprise here,, changing the tune does not alter that you are avoiding hearing what you dont agree with
like any child
DocSavage · M
Still. Can’t come up with anything original, eh ?
Why not save time and just cut and past the last four post ?
yrger · 80-89, M












I am theist in re God as the creator and operator of nature, and the author of the present thread, "God in the Bible and God outside the Bible."

Addressing atheists: Let me read your ideas against the existence of God as the creator and operator of nature.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Sorry but its all BS . If you study the true bible not the bible the church allows but the bible including all the redacted books the church doesnt wish you to see it totally contradictory and was written 3000 or more years after christ and the story of christs birth and crucifixtion are all wrong . Pontius pilot wasnt around when jesus was so how could he have ordered his crucifixtion is just one of the many hiccups I noticed studying the true bible .
yrger · 80-89, M
@DocSavage @newjaninev2 @BibleData @Emosaur @LeopoldBloom @HollyW @BibleData @Thodsis @SW-User @deadgerbil @Dshhh @HeidiA @ImperialAerosolKidFromEP

Hi everyone listed above, I am inviting you all to join in the discussion, if you don't care to join in the discussion, please just opt to not receive any notification, okay.

I am now concentrating on ImperialAerosolKidFromEP.


yrger · 80-89, M

Please reduce your long post to just say 100 words, and answer my questions:

(I am glad to read that in the social media by "the same principle" atheists are so much more intelligent.")

Suppose you tell me:
1. What is that principle?
2. More intelligent than what people?
3. Give me an example of more intelligence atheists possess than other people (who?), on the issue of God existing as the creator and operator of nature - make it brief but persuasive.
yrger · 80-89, M

Are you two atheists or what do you call yourselves?

I ask you, were you once previously fundamentalist Bible Christians?

If so, then I would describe you as biblical atheists, i.e. you are against God as described in the Bible.

What about God as mankind's reason and intelligence can and does know to exist: since you two though biblical atheists, still you continue to have the faculties of reason and intelligence, so what do you say about the regular order of nature, doesn't it implicate the existence of God as the creator and operator of nature?












Dshhh · M
what do you call yourselves
some of us dont need a label or to join some cult group to have a good moral ethical life
what do you say about the regular order of nature, doesn't it implicate the existence of God as the creator and operator of nature?

this is such a common misconception, based on projecting what We are, Doers and makers on the whole universe

the order you see is from the UNALTERABLE laws of nature
that you need a bronze age murderous genocidal sky father to not freak out at how immense reality is
BibleData · M
I don't believe in the reason and intelligence of mankind.
yrger · 80-89, M

Thanks Dsh, for contributing your post.
Dshhh · M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP Dude I think your key is stuck

I presume you are atheist, so please tell me your answers to my questions in the quote below:

I am glad to read that in the social media by "the same principle" atheists are so much more intelligent."

Suppose you tell me:
1. What is that principle?
2. More intelligent than what people?
3. Give me an example of more intelligence atheists possess than other people (who?), on the issue of God existing as the creator and operator of nature - make it brief but persuasive.













yrger · 80-89, M

Please reduce your long post to just say 100 words, and answer my questions:

Hi Imp, welcome to my thread, are you an atheist?

I am glad to read that in the social media by "the same principle" atheists are so much more intelligent."

Suppose you tell me:
1. What is that principle?
2. More intelligent than what people?
3. Give me an example of more intelligence atheists possess than other people (who?), on the issue of God existing as the creator and operator of nature - make it brief but persuasive.

ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 46-50, M
@yrger No, I'm not actually an atheist. But in some ways I am a better atheist than most atheists. I understand how it works. You see, most atheist don't know what much about their own religion (or absence of).
The principle is that if you say you are truthful, or in the right, or any other kind of judgement that looks better when it is objective, it is true. I'm told that all religions do this... all religions (I think I heard the Qu'ran says this, but no one's ever produced that reference in the Bible that I've seen.) So it follows that when atheists say they are smarter than <insert believer class> (over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again on the Internet) it must be true. Atheists say so themselves.
The examples can be found in any social medium you like. It always comes down to someone who must be more intelligent because he doesn't believe in a sky daddy, an imaginary friend, an invisible wizard, or any other strawman the atheist prefers.













yrger · 80-89, M
@DocSavage @newjaninev2 @BibleData @Emosaur @LeopoldBloom @HollyW @BibleData @Thodsis @SW-User @deadgerbil @Dshhh @HeidiA @ImperialAerosolKidFromEP @lacrossegirl25

Hi everyone listed above, I invite you all to contribute your ideas to the thread on "God in the Bible and God outside the Bible."

If you feel irritated by my invitation, please opt to not get notified; however I am disappointed because I love to read any ideas whatever you have pro or against the God outside the Bible - I am theist of the God outside the Bible persuasion.


lacrossegirl25 · 22-25, F

Tell God to get off his lazy ass and stop giving children cancer. I just saw a St Jude commercial. Someone should beat the crap out of God to make him stop doing this.

Tell you what, Lacros, cancer is also I would say coming from nature, and the God of nature is the creator and operator of nature, so mankind can blame God for ultimately the cause of cancer. What do you with reason and intelligence say about that?

That justifies your being an atheist targetting the God of nature - and indulging in your anger and hatred against Him?

Better you take up the study of medical science on the superior prevention of cancer and its more efficacious cure: that should be a most desirable ideal on your part, rather than anger and hatred against the God of nature - scil putting to very valuable aspiration your reason and intelligence.
@yrger funny how the same people who're the most critical of God allowing/causing the world's sufferings are the most indifferent to it
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
You are being inflammatory with your repetitive posting of usernames. As well as posting this in the atheist group!

BTW I am not an atheist!
12. You will not mention other users by their username, profile picture and other contents that identify the user, in a way that harasses or insults them, and you will remove the post if requested by the mentioned user.

revenant · F
Human intelligence is limited.
This message was deleted by its author.
Dshhh · M
@lacrossegirl25 you tell em SIs
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
God in the Bible means God from His own revelation about Himself and what He wants mankind to do to earn His love.
How extraordinarily convenient.

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