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You know what they say about assumptions [I Am An Atheist]

In all my conversations with christians one common assumption about me is my reasons for being an atheist. “I don’t know what happened in your life but god loves you” or “I don’t know what has happened in your life but it’s not too late to beg for forgiveness”

All this has shown me is how prejudice these people can be.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Don't put us all in one basket. Beg for forgiveness, indeed. We never have to beg God for forgiveness. He happily accepts all who wish to come to Him and turns no one away. You mention Christian's in a negative light and call us prejudice, yet is it right for you to criticize other beliefs? How is that not prejudice, when you put all Christians in the same negative category? I don't have any preconceived notions about you. That seems antagonistic to me.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Well then express honestly your reason for being an atheist..

And why would you consider those two statements to arise from prejudice?

You are doing as much if not more assuming yourself..
Zenyatta · 26-30
@Adstar Well for one you never specified if they needed to be christian and also that would still be three. Three more than what you boldly assumed.

Judgement- the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions. Examples”
The Law of the my LORD Jesus is to love my enemy and do good to those who hate and persecute me.. Looking at the USA which the most powerful military in the world and a willingness to use it on multiple occasions i can say without hesitation that the USA and for that matter all the nations on earth do not follow the teachings of the LORD Jesus Christ..”
“Do you have any congress members remaining? Can you name a member of congress that does not believe having a military is justified, who believes that self defense is not justified? who believes that the judicial system and the prison system is unjustified?

You will not find One..“ technically this one would be an example of being prejudiced
Adstar · 56-60, M
Judgement- the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions. Examples”

Thats only one type of judgement and you know it... The other type of judgement that i highlighted is valid and you know it..

“Do you have any congress members remaining? Can you name a member of congress that does not believe having a military is justified, who believes that self defense is not justified? who believes that the judicial system and the prison system is unjustified?

You will not find One..“

Well maybe i was wrong, there may be one or two Christians in the US congress but i still doubt it.. And the positon is either true or not.. predgudice has nothing to do with it..
Zenyatta · 26-30
Thats only one type of judgement and you know it... The other type of judgement that i highlighted is valid and you know it..
Dude I stopped reading half of your responses so I genuinely don’t know what you’re going on about.

preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

You literally came under the assumption without personal knowledge of US congressmen and assumed their beliefs and you still continue to do this.
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Zenyatta · 26-30
@questionWeaver fun fact people who ask this are often the ones that do the projecting.
Zenyatta · 26-30
@questionWeaver I’m surprised you’d resort to blocking. I must have hit a nerve
Indeed. And it’s funny how many think atheism comes from a lack of knowledge about Scripture or the teachings. Most atheists I know understand the teachings better than the so-called “devout”. It’s often why they’re atheists.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Yeah xtians can be dense
They can't accept that not everyone shares there beliefs, or wants to.
Atheists do the same sort of thing to theists. What tragedy or weakness or mental deficiency caused you to be a believer. Believers are less intelligent, less educated, racist, superstitious and poorer.
All I know Is that assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. It also abbreviates “ASS U ME”

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