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Today’s distraction

Some astrology stuff came up in social media so I waded around in that for a bit. Apparently Virgo is just my sun sign. My moon sign is Sagittarius and my ascendant sign is Gemini.

In short, I can now give astrology a little more weight and the stars credit for a very good sense of humor. 🤣
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DrWatson · 70-79, M
I often wonder how astrology would work if people ever settle on Mars.

Mars has two moons.

One of the planets in the sky will be Earth.

And how in the world (!) would they talk about the influence of Mars?

(I posted about this a few years ago, and somebody responded that if there is any truth to astrology, everyone born on Mars will be a psychopath!)
@DrWatson If we establish a colony on Mars, humanity will still embrace superstition.
JustNik · 51-55, F
@DrWatson I haven’t a single doubt those ideas would adapt faster than many of the more practical requirements. 😂
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues I know. It is also true that due to the precession of the earth around its axis, nowadays the sun is never actually "in" the constellation corresponding to the current zodiac sign. And sometimes, it is in a thirteenth constellation called Ophiuchus. (Astrologers are aware of this, and they say it does not matter since they do not refer to constellations, but to "Houses." I have never seen a clear definition of a house in this context, however.)
Some kind person on stackexchange posted a table of the gravitational accelerations of all the planets on a person at the Earth's surface.

Gravitational acceleration at Earth surface due to each planet when closest to Earth (avg distance for Sun & Moon)

body .. closest to Earth(km) .. Mass (kg) . g_body (m/s^2)
Moon . . . . .. . 384.00E03 .. 7.30E22 . . . . 3.35E-05
Sun . . . . . . . 150.00E06 .. 1.99E30 . . . . 5.98E-03
Venus . . . . . . 42.00E06 . . 4.90E24 . . . . 1.88E-07
Mars . . . . .. . 78.00E06 . . 6.40E23 . . . . 7.12E-09
Jupiter . . .. . 629.00E06 . . 1.90E27 . . . . 3.25E-07
Saturn . . . . . . 1.28E09 . . 5.70E26 . . . . 2.35E-08
Uranus . . . . . . 2.73E09 . . 8.70E25 . . . . 7.90E-10
Neptune . . . .. . 4.15E09 . . 1.00E26 . . . . 3.93E-10

Gravitational acceleration of 30,000 kilo truck 50 meters away is 2.686E-4, which is almost 10X the force from the Moon, and FAR more than the force from each planet.

In American units, if that same truck (66,000 lbs) is one mile away, the acceleration is 1.04E-6, which is still FAR greater than that from Mars & Venus & the rest!

Source for table https://astronomy.stackexchange.com/questions/13022/what-is-the-gravitational-force-felt-on-earth-from-the-other-planets-in-our-sola
JustNik · 51-55, F
@ElwoodBlues alrighty then. All I can say is that I sincerely hope you all just really love math. 😄👍
@JustNik Indeed I do!
Which type of astrology? There are many versions and none mesh with each other. Nobody goes out on a limb to show it works and how it works. As for consistency, that’s non existent.
JustNik · 51-55, F
@BlueSkyKing ah the chart says web style/ placidus next to “method,” so I imagine that’s your answer.
OldBrit · 61-69, M
I've never got into all that stuff. I'm a libra is that typical for a libra? 🤭
JustNik · 51-55, F
@OldBrit you know I had to go look. 🤣 I could make it fit, but I imagine that’s no accident. 🤭
Teslin · M
Interesting !! I did not know I had more than 1 sign LOL.
I need to check my moon and ascendant sign.
JustNik · 51-55, F
@Teslin astrology is apparently a rabbit warren. I have a whole chart, but that’s as far as I got. 😂 it is much more relatable knowing more though. As mine are somewhat contradictory, I never felt “Virgo” was very solidly on the mark.
Teslin · M
@JustNik Yes, I am right right on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Not that I really follow astrology.

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