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BJP Took Down English Subtitled Chanyaka Series

I recall BJP funded the TV series Chanyaka, and all 47 episodes with subtitles were on youtube for years, but I went to get a link to them for someone and they are all gone. I can find alot of episodes scatted across youtube and dailymotion, but not the whole series.

Instead they replaced it with videos without subtitles. Only people who can claim copyright is BJP, Modi is to blame. Given the number of views he is only getting a few cents per episode.

I hate you Modi. You gotta ruin everything, you big butthead.

How do you know BJP funded that TV series Chanyaka ?
@sree251 Fate predates them as a concept. It is Egyptian in origin. Sometimes it was Shai, in a court of judgement like the pagan semetic Satan, sometimes it was one of the many weaving goddess like Isis (up until Anat arrived).

The concept of power PWR likewise is a pagan persian cult from anatolia based around small group boar hunting, that have charioteers practice in moving with their supportive infantry in tracking down prey (one chariot per ten men is the basic ratio).

Both concepts require myths, and imaginations, and evaluation, but most importantly, they were processed through specific modes of thought, oftentimes used today by moderns but not in exactly the same way.

Did the charioteer who invented the cult of power originate the thought? Was he doing anything particularly new, or was he utilizing aspects of mind already long established in men for hundreds of thousands of years previously? Could we expect to see in a fMFI scan of a pack of neolithic hunters chasing a mammoth pretty much the same thing, at least pretty close?

Could we not expect the egyptians and their looms, programming a result to achieve a pattern and image in cloth, to use near identicle patterns as a neolithic stone worker fashioning a spear head out of rocks, using hand motions, fashioning a image, producing a end product? Was is much different in essence from what Bill Gates did in his garage building computers?

Don't assume ideas come from myths, or that every mythological persona is a complete personality. But likewise, don't ignore the fantasies of a ignorant schizophrenic, however outrageous- they are still human and speak alot of truth about human nature.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Don't assume ideas come from myths, or that every mythological persona is a complete personality. But likewise, don't ignore the fantasies of a ignorant schizophrenic, however outrageous- they are still human and speak alot of truth about human nature.

Great post, Onasander. You do justice to your namesake. Your thought pattern is neither linear nor lateral; and yet, I can see in it the intricate lattice of a spider's web.

We need to talk more. Your pattern of thought is as befuddling to experts in western medicine as oriental medical theory.
@sree251 I've studied a number of medical systems, ancient, medieval and near modern. They each have differing standards on diagnostic logic, but each does absurd and ghastly things in terms of morality and reason. But doctors are needed.

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