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Real mystery, poor soul.

What really happened to Madeline Mcgann?!

I personally think the parents were involved in her disappearance. All too odd.
whisperingwillow · 36-40, F
Isn’t she the one that the parents all went out for dinner but would go back to check on the sleeping kids every 20 minutes?

What parent does that? I’m a foreign country nonetheless?! That always seemed extra dodgy to me
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@whisperingwillow Yes, that's them. No responsible parent would leave their small children alone. Even only for a short while.
whisperingwillow · 36-40, F
@Lanie78 No kidding….kids that young are going to roam looking for their parents if they wake up. 2 minutes and they’re gone! Not to mention, wouldn’t you be worried someone would notice adults kept coming and going? It’s like leaving a bread crumb trail for kidnappers straight to them. None of it made sense
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
After a quick read, it's puzzling why only she was taken, there's 2 twins who would fetch a high price on trafficked market and the four year old to boot.

Botched robbery wouldn't work, why kill a 4 year old, doubtful she could give coherent testimony.

Doubtful in the German rapist who they think did it. They seized the vehicles, but no evidence. A single strand of hair would be enough.

Very puzzling.
DaveE54 · 56-60, MVIP
Paedophile ring that the parents were part of alledgedly

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