iMystery · M
Did someone say my name?
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DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@iMystery I'm sure we will!
iMystery · M
@DarkDelight That's the spirit! Lmao!
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@iMystery 😁
SoFine · 46-50, F
Dogs will
They help us...
They find bombs ..they find dead bodies, they smell out drugs, they walk the blind so on and so much more
Now cats - do the help the blind?
Cats catch birdies, they kill more than they contribute ..
Cats catch mice and rats - then my dogs do this too ..
Then the use for cats - Dog food?
Fur coats made from cats? Maybe. but how many would you need?
They help us...
They find bombs ..they find dead bodies, they smell out drugs, they walk the blind so on and so much more
Now cats - do the help the blind?
Cats catch birdies, they kill more than they contribute ..
Cats catch mice and rats - then my dogs do this too ..
Then the use for cats - Dog food?
Fur coats made from cats? Maybe. but how many would you need?
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@SoFine lol that's deep

It's true about cats several have taken over my mind many times 😜
The two legged ones that is 😏 Lol
The two legged ones that is 😏 Lol

May the force be with you too 😏@DarkDelight
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@SW-User thanks 😊

Your very welcome,my lady 😉 @DarkDelight
Coppercoil · M
For a time here my username was darkdelight think maybe it suits you better though.
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@Coppercoil wow no way?? Great minds think alike I guess. Thanks I'll wear the name proudly knowing that 😊
okaybut · 56-60, M
Cats already have.... 😱
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@okaybut with their cuteness 😂
okaybut · 56-60, M
@DarkDelight Damn right...if you think about it, we are pretty much their slaves. 😼
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@okaybut lol true 😂 Pretty much
down2business · 31-35, M
Has your curiosity lead you to death on multiple occasions yet?
Nah, cats don't give a fuck about man kind. They just here to be cats and do cat stuff
Nah, cats don't give a fuck about man kind. They just here to be cats and do cat stuff
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@down2business its lead me to several states and 4 continents lol
down2business · 31-35, M
@DarkDelight I wonder where it will lead next
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@down2business hopefully somewhere excitingvand not too dangerous lol