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thewindupbirdchronicles · 46-50, M
Can you share?
Frostcloud · F
@thewindupbirdchronicles i cant share one because its posted elsewhere and I don't want sw to find my reddit lmao but ill see if i can share the other one- hes a for real artist and he didnt watermark his work so idk if i can post it
thewindupbirdchronicles · 46-50, M
@Frostcloud Oh, that I entirely understand. I would always ask the artist. Can be shared privately, I just have a deep appreciation for art, but I do have a reddit account, yet I'd never go looking there for it, but in the same breath I entirely understand. 🤗
Frostcloud · F
@thewindupbirdchronicles you are a treasure 🤗
Nice! That’s gotta feel really good. 🙂