Unfortunately this place hasn't grown enough for art variations. Sexual objectifications are dominant because lot of members only express themselves in that manner. And since this place has so many fetishes, you are bound to attract the fetish community.
I suggest also trying groups that are better suited and don't have arbitrary lines. Throw your net wide.
But also don't limit your entire identity to one interest. Let people interact with much more than a single aspect of yourself so they can approach it as a part of a whole.
This kinda applies to those who have fetishes too. A fixation is bound to be repellent and of concern almost always. You have to know how to connect to what make people see people as people not as segmented words and pictures on the internet. You are a person who has the whole universe within and your neck art is just one lense out of many.
I suggest also trying groups that are better suited and don't have arbitrary lines. Throw your net wide.
But also don't limit your entire identity to one interest. Let people interact with much more than a single aspect of yourself so they can approach it as a part of a whole.
This kinda applies to those who have fetishes too. A fixation is bound to be repellent and of concern almost always. You have to know how to connect to what make people see people as people not as segmented words and pictures on the internet. You are a person who has the whole universe within and your neck art is just one lense out of many.
NeckgirlJade · 26-30, F
@Miram Yeah you are right in all these regards I'm new so, I'm still finding my way here but I just gotta step back to think on how I want to approach this place. That is if I even plan on staying here.
BrewCityBarfly · M
Yeah, one one hand, not sure if SW is really the audience, on the other, SW is exactly the audience.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Not for everyone a lot of us came from the sinking wreck Experience Project, another social site, long ago

I get it, it is art.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Take care!🤗
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Your friend should reccommend Instagram and niche it as neck art. I think most people in here don't get it because it's too random to be provoking and too weird to be relative.
Maybe nudists or some specific crowd will understand it better
Maybe nudists or some specific crowd will understand it better
NeckgirlJade · 26-30, F
@Queendragonfly Yeah true that.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Your message that you like showing off your neck? No, I think that got through pretty clearly.
Don't go! Give us poor chuckleheads another chance!
Don't go! Give us poor chuckleheads another chance!
Lilnonames · F
Yeah it dont take long for it her, be safe
NeckgirlJade · 26-30, F
@Lilnonames Yeah it was a quality my friend neglected to mention. And thank you