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Goodbye my pond monster

😔 went to say hi to my horse noticed a giant white something floating in the big pond. It's Henry. My giant Grass Carp. It was quite the sight to see him make ripples and his shadow right under the surface going lazily by. He was HUGE and old. I been here 16 years and he was already here. Will miss watching for him
Picture in panoramic view and still couldn't get all of him in it
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Something consistent that makes you smile and suddenly it's gone. Doesn't matter if it's just a fish.
I totally get it.
@robingoodfellow exactly. Just get so used to something
Piper · 61-69, F
I can understand you feeling sad about Henry, and know I would too. 😟
@Piper it was quite saddening to see him.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
I am sorry for your loss
@Fungirlmmm thanks my friend
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@Bexsy Youre wrlxome.
Fullmetal · 51-55, M
Sorry to hear that!! That is a cool story, and a long time for a fish to live!!
@Fullmetal longer than i expected
Fullmetal · 51-55, M
@Bexsy no kidding! Kinda your own pet dinosaur!!
Never heard of grass carp before...but he looked to be a huge fish!
@SomeMichGuy can do great work at keeping agood sized pond clean
@Bexsy Gotta def. look into these!
rayoflight · 46-50, M
Sorry to hear this.
Coldplay · 61-69, M
Sorry about this
DDaverde · 61-69, M
Sorry for your loss ..
I’m sorry for your loss
He’ll make great fertilizer though!
@MartinTheFirst which? Sling blade or joe dirt
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Bexsy the one you posted 👀
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Bexsy that line isn't anywhere in the movie, i waited for it haha
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Sorry for your loss, but I do need to ask if you can fit all of you in a pic and you can`t get all of him is a pic, well you know where I`m going with this. 😬
@Degbeme you haven't seen all of me have you 🙄
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Degbeme i thought not
TexChik · F
Why will you not watch him any longer?
@TexChik he died
This message was deleted by its author.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
Awwwww. Poor guy
Did he die?
@BizSuitStacy yea. He did
@Bexsy awww...I'm sorry
Justcurious86 · 36-40, M
Aww that’s really suck. 🥲
@Justcurious86 i know :(

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