Should I leave my snails lights off or on? [I Have a Fish Tank]I have a 5.5 gallon planted tank with one nerite snail and live plants. I am going away for 3 days on vacation and no one will be home. Should I leave the tank lights on or off? I'm afraid if I leave them off for 3 days the algae will not grow and he... See More Β»
Will my Nerite Snail Survive [I Have a Fish Tank]I have a planted tank with only one nerite snail. Will algae and what it eats continue growing even though there aren't any fish producing waste in the water. I have the lights on most of the day so that hopefully algae grow but it doesn't seem like... See More Β»
What could I put in my fish tank? [I Have a Fish Tank]I have a 5.5-gallon planted fish tank with one nerite snail. What non-fish aquatic animal could I add in there?