The Vaquita The smallest cetacean, reaching a maximum length of 5 ft and weighing up to 120 lbs. Found only in the shallow waters of Mexico's northern Gulf of California. Discovered in 1958 from three skulls found on the beach, their population has declined by 92% since the late 1990s.
As of last June their were only 6-8 Vaquitas left in the world.
This is terribly sad. Although marine mammals and that whole other world of life that our waters are home to has always awed and concerned me...I did not know about the Vaquita.
@robingoodfellow Gill nets are such indiscriminate killers of all kinds of marine life, as I'm sure you know. Not feeling much hope that even existing laws against their use will remain in place, now.
What is worse is illegal fishing of totoaba, an endangered fish, in Mexico will finish off the rest of the Vaquita. The nets used to catch totoaba also catch the Vaquita.
There's really nothing that can be done about either one. Mexico doesn't want to upset trade prospects with China.
Making it illegal to fish totoaba doesn't mean it's enforced.