My stove is eight years old now.
It's about time for the preprogrammed internal hidden clock on the circuit board to send a voltage surge and wipe out some sensor, switch or ignitor that is planned to be unavailable and discontinued in 7 years so that it will force me to buy another stove.
Do you remember when most things did not have circuit boards in them?
Do you remember when things like a stove, refrigerator or washing machine would last 50 years?
Do you wonder .."Why does it really have to have a circuit board anyway"?
Do you remember when nothing was made in China?
Do you remember when most things did not have circuit boards in them?
Do you remember when things like a stove, refrigerator or washing machine would last 50 years?
Do you wonder .."Why does it really have to have a circuit board anyway"?
Do you remember when nothing was made in China?