I've seen the first season on Blu ray, foolishly opted for the dubbed version, it was still pretty impressive and after awhile plan to get the rest in that format and to choose the Japanese audio.
meat18 · 61-69, M
@SW-User i watched the first few episodes of season one in the dubbed version and then switched to subtitles. prefer the sub. i enjoyed season one, especially the last few episodes, but season 2 was a killer! very exciting...soooo much happens!!
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Watched it all the way to current, and read the manga too.
What platforms do you have for watching?
What platforms do you have for watching?
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Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@meat18 If you like movies, the guy that made Princess Monoke, well... if you like that movie, you'll probably like most of the stuff he did. He's "the man" when it comes anime movies. Things like: Spirited Away, Howls' Moving Castle, My Neighbour Totoro, Nausicaa valley of the wind, ... etc. .
If you can get your hands on "Grave of the Fireflies", it's also a classic. But I've not seen it yet. If you want B-movie stuff (like ridiculous scripts, blood, boobs and violence) you can look towards: Ninja Scroll, Wicked City, Demon City Sinjuku, Vampire Hunter D, Cyber City Oedo 808, Urotsukidoji, A Wind Named Amnesia, ... . And there is always "Fist of the North Star", the series and the movie from the 1980s.
There is so much out there. And if you want plain childish fun, watch "Dragonball". I'm not the biggest fan of the Z, GT, ... and all the other stuff they made after that. But childish fun, then Dragonball is great.
If you can get your hands on "Grave of the Fireflies", it's also a classic. But I've not seen it yet. If you want B-movie stuff (like ridiculous scripts, blood, boobs and violence) you can look towards: Ninja Scroll, Wicked City, Demon City Sinjuku, Vampire Hunter D, Cyber City Oedo 808, Urotsukidoji, A Wind Named Amnesia, ... . And there is always "Fist of the North Star", the series and the movie from the 1980s.
There is so much out there. And if you want plain childish fun, watch "Dragonball". I'm not the biggest fan of the Z, GT, ... and all the other stuff they made after that. But childish fun, then Dragonball is great.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@meat18 as @Kwek00 says, there is so much out there. Anime is a format and while there are many cultural Asian tropes within it, it's as broad as the movie industry. Pretty much something for everyone if you look hard enough.
Once you've seen a few and can highlight what you like and don't like it becomes easier to recommend more. Just don't get pulled into the cycle of judgement a lot of the anime fan community indulges in. Some corners of it act like professional critics in all the worst ways. As with anything, the best way is to find what you like and don't let others dissuade you.
Once you've seen a few and can highlight what you like and don't like it becomes easier to recommend more. Just don't get pulled into the cycle of judgement a lot of the anime fan community indulges in. Some corners of it act like professional critics in all the worst ways. As with anything, the best way is to find what you like and don't let others dissuade you.
meat18 · 61-69, M
has anybody seen the first episode of the new season yet?