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does anyone else find these animal cruelty ads on tv heartbreaking

i'm sick of them showing them, poor mistreated donkeys and ponys...the way people treat them is unbelievable and it makes me so angry, these animal abusers need a death sentence! capital punishment is the only answer for these bastards.....it breaks my heart having to see these ads of donkeys being abused in 3rd world countries and elsewhere.
Jemimapuddleduck · 31-35, F Best Comment
It's something that has been going on for centuries. They are work animals and when one can no longer work any more then they move on to abuse the next one. But at least there are animal rescue organisations to help them. There is no excuse for it, and people in these countries need to be taught how to take care of their work animals, give them the food and rest they need. I always give to animal charities as much as the elderly and children, it is all we can do for our part in helping.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
@Jemimapuddleduck that is very kind of you, we need to do our best to help these poor animals of burden.

Martinette · 41-45, F
I like animals. I hate cruelty.

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