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I Didn’t Know Chickens Liked To Swim In Water….

Something to keep in mind if I ever have a place and get chickens, they’ll have a kiddie pool to cool off in. But no swimming pool because I’d hate for them to fowl up the water.
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meggie · F
You really are a softie with animals x
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@meggie I had Rhode Island Red chickens and they are one of the best laying hens. I learned how to kill parasite worms by giving them cayenne peppers that I grew & dried & crushed up. Made a huge pan of gravy and added chicken scratch and the crushed peppers. They were starving due to the parasites and ate every bite of it They eliminated the parasites the very next day. I saw some anti-parasite medicine for chickens at the rural store near where I lived and read the back of the package. It said to throw the eggs away for 2 weeks after giving them the medicine. It’s that toxic. But with cayenne peppers it’s not toxic to them and they don’t get burnt on them like humans and mammals do. Also can put some apple cider vinegar in their water. Helps to grow muscles and keep them healthy too. And feed them veggie and fruit scraps.

They don’t sell antibiotics for chickens over the counter now but I believe colloidal silver would work pretty well for a lot of things. I give it to my parakeets, a tiny bit in their water and they get well.
meggie · F
@cherokeepatti i remember my grandmother making a mix of boiled rice water and sherry to give them when they were egg-bound. If that didn't work the Yogoslavians next door came around and chopped their heads off. It was very upsetting, but it put the chicken out of it's misery.
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