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I hate it for all the braindead atheist's out there...

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@MrBrownstone Isaiah 45: 7 "god" "created" "sin" to punish the Israelites for "straying against him".
@Dshhh Not, it's from David Hume. Not Epicurus's style at all.
firefall · 61-69, M
@MrBrownstone Epicurus fucking up again. If he's omnipotent and not malevolent, then he must not be omniscient ... Able, willing, ignorant :)
Really · 80-89, M
I hate it for all the braindead atheist's out there
You hate what for all the braindead atheist's what? (and if the atheists are plural you have the apostrophe in the wrong place)

What was your first language?
Dshhh · M
@Really gibberish I think,. He comes from Gibber
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DocSavage · M
Babble, he’s babbling
ArishMell · 70-79, M
And for all those who are not what you call "brain-dead"?

Or given the group title, are agnostic not atheist?
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@TBIman Yes.

- but I do not need believe in a god for that.
DocSavage · M
Why live at all ?
Why waste all your time here on the false belief that when you’re done with this life, another one in paradise awaits you ? Make the best of what you have. The universe doesn’t know or care what you do.
In all honesty, what difference does our existence make to the cosmos now ?
TBIman · 46-50, M
@DocSavage My life has no meaning. So when you say "why live at all..." I shouldn't be living.

I have no idea what difference it makes to our existence in the cosmos now.

Look Doc, I am just telling you that everyone on Earth has been fed nonsense about where they live.

Believe what you will.
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There should be no apostrophe in the word "atheists" in your statement above. 😂😘
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Cassie2083 Thanks for pointing out my mistake. You're so smart that you might still believe that you live on a spinning ball... in SPACE.🤣
TrashCat · M
I was an atheist until I saw evidence of God...
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
What's the apostrophe for? That doesn't look like an intelligent design, does it?
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@Really Oh, Really? I don't believe you.
Really · 80-89, M
@NankerPhelge What a cruel blow!
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@Really Oh, Really?
Dshhh · M
this makes NO sense
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Not sure exactly what you are trying to say here.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@JimboSaturn The stars DO rotate in perfect circles around our North Star called Polaris. Give me a break. I even posted a timelapse photo.
Sharon · F
Not sure exactly what you are trying to say here.
Nor is he.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@JimboSaturn I am trying to say that no one is living on a 1,000 mph spinning ball and that the Earth is stationary. Hope you know exactly what I am saying now.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@tbiman] i am sorry to say they are entitled to think that way . we all are different have our own beliefs . they do not believe in god so who is anyone to change that
TBIman · 46-50, M
@smiler2012 The photo that I posted is absolute proof of intelligent design. If anyone disagrees they are wrong.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@smiler2012 You are 100% correct. I am not trying to change anyone or anything. I was just stating that if you are still an atheist after knowing that the Earth is a motionless plane. You are not very smart.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Incredible post.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@CountScrofula Thanks.
Oh so this is your other account. You do realize this is a mental illness right. No normal person makes multiple troll accounts full of gibberish. Research has already been done on trolls. You're sick.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@canusernamebemyusername I only have this one account.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
What do you mean brain dead atheists? Many atheists are highly intelligent, highly sensitive and simply don't see intelligent design. There are many theists who are highly intelligent and sensitive - but there are also those who swallow stupid ideas like conspiracy theories and confusing their political views with their religious views.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Abstraction I'm not a Christian. I was simply saying that star trails prove that we do not live on a spinning and orbiting ball.
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
Intelligent design is also intuitive design,
Man cannot create a soul.
Only a Divine Being can.
And this is something that these Atheists cannot comprehend.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@ArishMell When people question what is obvious, I question their intelligence.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Zonuss Atheists are whack in the head.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Zonuss Me too. Like it's obvious that we aren't moving.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@ArishMell You have told me, but I have forgotten what agnostic means. I think it means that you believe that there could be a creator, but probably not. So to answer your question. No, you are not brain-dead if you leave open the possibility for a creator. If agnostic means that there could be a creator than no you are not brain-dead.

You are only brain-dead if you think, or believe that all of your intelligence came into being billions of years ago after nothing exploded. That shit if even more insane than believing that you live on a spinning ball.

Why are you still commenting on my posts man? I thought that we were through with our communication.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@ArishMell Well... at least you leave open the possibility for a creator. Evidence is key in any investigation. This is why I believe that all of us dwell upon a motionless plane. It is also how I know that no one is living, or has ever lived on a spinning ball.

There is quite literally no evidence to support the spinning ball hypothesis. If you find some be sure to send it to me so that I can see for myself why much of the world still believes in the non-sense heliocentric model of the universe.

ArishMell · 70-79, M
@TBIman Yes, I remember that conversation, which showed that if you believe X to be true it must be true no matter how much other disbelieve or question you about it. You come over as saying only you are right.

I have not difficulty accepting others believing in God: two of my friends are ordained Anglican priests, others I have know over the years include followers of that or other Christian sects, and one or two Muslims and Jews.

I had not questioned what you believe as you make that clear. I had questioned the dogma itself, though.

Instead, I asked here a few posts back, why are you so rude about any belief not matching yours irrespective of any evidence; and so rude about those who express those beliefs however sincere and knowledgable they may be?
TBIman · 46-50, M
@ArishMell No one has provided a shred of physical evidence supporting the claim of a rotating and revolving Earth. That is why I am a prick to anyone who does not share in the belief that the Earth is a motionless plane.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Bruh...if you're gonna convince anyone of something, don't use comic sans.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@basilfawlty89 What does the font have to do with anything?

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