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What does addiction look like to you?

It's an interesting concept when for example the NHS says for alcohol
keep health risks from alcohol to a low level it is safest not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis. if you regularly drink as much as 14 units per week, it is best to spread your drinking evenly over 3 or more days.
Which is basically 14 units is equivalent to 6 pints of average-strength beer or 10 small glasses of lower-strength wine.

So using that as a guide how would you determine an addiction?
Belladonna · 41-45, F
I wouldn't use that to determine an addiction. Addiction is best identified by what it does to the user and those around them.
Belladonna · 41-45, F
@Mellowgirl Oh it's far too late for that. I'm an alcoholic.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
It's never too late to change dear :) @Belladonna]
Belladonna · 41-45, F
@therighttothink50 Don't tell me what to do.
Northguy1 · 56-60, M
Addiction is a progressive disease. Six pints will gradually become eight, then 12, and ten "small" glasses of wine will become 10 medium glasses until the line has been crossed into addiction.
Northguy1 · 56-60, M
@Mellowgirl No googled or textbook response. I think if you have to self-monitor your alcohol intake to ensure you don't become an alcoholic, you probably are already addicted. Sure, there are textbook definitions that describe addiction and what it looks like, but alcoholism is a self-diagnosis. I've been in recovery now for almost six years and what I found about myself is that it is not natural for me to not have a drink in my hand while I'm socializing. So now, rather than hold an alcoholic beverage, I simply drink a diet soda or water. Remember the old saying: One drink is too many and a thousand is never enough.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Northguy1 thank you for responding... It wasn't to dig at you. More gain more insight from someone that has had the experience, because surely there must be ways you feel, and situations that trigger you.
I suppose I was looking at it from the perspective of someone not knowing...
Northguy1 · 56-60, M
@Mellowgirl It isn't so much the situations that trigger most; sometimes there isn't a trigger. For me, it is more having learned how to respond to triggers and urges so as not to give into them. Alcohol is cunning, baffling and powerful.
MarkRichardson · 46-50, M
That's more a guideline for 'healthy' drinking rather than anything else. Alcohol, specific types anyways and in moderation, is good for the body. It's when we go over the top and it is a daily requirement, I think, then it becomes an addiction.

My wife was a heavy drinker from the age of around 14 onwards. That, alongside drugs. But she was what would be defined as a 'functional addict' until, I would say, she hit her 30's. Then it gradually became more and more of an issue and a need.

Those inbetween years I didn't see as addiction. She was fun and happy and enjoying life. Those qualities I didn't necessarily process as being part of the addiction.

But I think they were.
Perry1968 · M
Alcohol and diazapam addictions are thecmost dangerous to detox from. Due to seizures. But yes addiction creeps up and grabs you when you think you got a grip on it. After a period depending on which substance the grip transitions and it has you held tight.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Perry1968 Due to much more than just seizures.
Perry1968 · M
@Mellowgirl My pleasure. Sorry for late reply. Ive not been on since. xx
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Perry1968 it's OK. I understand
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Anything which has an effect on your life in a negative way, something which is consuming your life and causing you to be depressed, angry and or inadequate.

Something which has a negative effect upon the way you treat yourself and others. Something which you require to exist/live and can't do without. Something which takes complete control of your life and creates a life of existence rather than one of living your life to the fullest.
Graylight · 51-55, F
That's actually outdated information, at least in the States. The current wisdom is that 0 drinks per week are safe and that any benefits gained through some alcohols are overshadowed by its damage.

But addiction is about much more than volume. It's about tolerance, craving, trouble in several domains, etc. It's a physical disease whos process can be tracked. I wish it were just about going easy.
I used to be a functioning alcoholic or rather still am. I'll always be an addict whether I drink or not. It's been close to 17 years since I've had a drink. But, sober for 16 right now.....
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@SW-User that's a really big deal.
And one to be proud of. Xx
@Mellowgirl Thank you so much for that's an accomplishment I'm truly proud of. I try to help others the best I can that need it.
Lilnonames · F
I drink maybe three beers or a small bottle of rum a week if that

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