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What am I doing wrong here?

Yes, ok I guess there are Anti-Ukrainian people on here just like there are Anti-Jewish people.

Yes, I talk a lot about things on here, it’s what the idea of the site says I should do, to spark both comment and conversation.

Yes, I have a public album of a variety of photos.

No, I must start looking at other profiles myself to spark some interest and excitement perhaps! 🤔
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I scanned your profile briefly.
I couldn't see anything wrong with it. Perhaps you could add a translation and a bit more info about yourself in the "About Me" section. Even though many don't bother to read it, some do, and that might help them decide. Include your interests, plus what you enjoy and what you block. This at least gives a self introduction, some means for starting a conversation.

I noticed wise quotes from the Talmud, the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology.
The difficulty is that Jewish theology has become somewhat contentious due to the current wars between Israel and both Gaza and Hezbollah.
I don't mean to say that the Talmud itself is contentious, but rather, certain passages selected by Zionists, the far right and the Israeli Govt and used to justify colonization, apartheid and racism against those who have always lived there.

I was overjoyed when Israel was first reborn after the war. I thought a restored homeland after 2000 years of Diaspora would provide a place of security and an escape from centuries of pogroms, persecution, legal exclusions, and the Holocaust. But at that time, I never imagined that Israel would treat the Palestinians the way Europeans had treated the Jews. I had imagined that having experienced persecution, they would have empathy for those who already lived there, and would give them equal rights under the law and in all aspects of life. I also thought they would respect the original treaty worked out with the British and the Palestinians .It turns out that that was naive of me.

The reality is that the Israeli Govt has become the persecutor, the victimizer, and that racism is rife throughout Israel, including against its own Jewish peoples if they are anything other than Ashkenazi. Sephardi, Yemenite, African, Indian, Iranian and countless other Jews from anywhere but European stock, are treated like second class citizens and experience micro-racist insults many times every day.
I don't count individual Jews as racists; rather I wait to discover what each individual's values are.
But I do think the gerrymander - that favors the Zionists and the right - means that the majority of the Israeli people do not get a fair vote. Israel is in a precarious position, on the brink of bankruptcy, utterly dependent on the US for armaments, having made enemies of its neighbors by the ways it has behaved since 1948, and having lost the moral high-ground in the eyes of the UN and most of the world outside the USA.

My husband is genetically Ashkenazi, a child of the Holocaust, and was raised in Israel. His family still live there, are very right wing, strongly support the Gazan war and view Israel's need to defend itself as just that. Living in Tel Aviv, they're within range of Hamas's bombs. They feel terrified. It's easy to see why they believe their govt's response as the only possible response to the massacre of 800 and abduction of hostages at the music festival last October. Some were friends of my husband's family. Their grief was overwhelming.

But Mossad has possibly the most sophisticated spy network in the world. Consider how many decades of close informants and penetration were necessary to be capable of direct interference with the manufacture of pagers for Hezbollah agents - the ability! And then targeting their mobile phones in the same way! They could have done exactly the same with Hamas, rather than killing over 40,000 officially, and wounding and starving over 100,000 - most of whom are innocents. This is war crime on a mass scale, and Israel is a signatory to the very statutes that make it so.

I deplore war. I am absolutely certain that there are far better ways to resolve the issues.

As for the Ukraine, I strongly support it's desperate need for help to expel the Russian invasion, and reclaim and maintain its original boundaries.

I also realize that to speak about these issues at all is risky.
It is not wise to encourage debate on issues over which we have zero control. The only possible consequence it to inflame hatred and animosity.
So I very much hope that this post, if it attracts any response at all,
will encourage responses only to the issues
and not encourage personal attacks on anybody, no matter what their side or their views.
Convivial · 26-30, F
You're not doing anything wrong, and was you say, there will always be people who disagree with you but that's ok
RSquared · 61-69, M
I don't see anything you are doing wrong. I look at other's profiles often. To help know them better. And I think it's a good idea to try to spark interest. But I don't think you are doing snything wrong.
Nothing wrong it just people are louder on one side more than the other. Well if you want friend I’ll add you into my barren profile. 🦧
keep posting, i find this site not the frindliest, but it passes the time wheni hav enothing to do,
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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
About making friends on here?
MarcusMayhem · 31-35, M
I think you post some great things,
Do you find you don’t get enough responses?
StanLei · 26-30, F
@MarcusMayhem I am new here
MarcusMayhem · 31-35, M
@StanLei me also tomorrow will be a week

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