Budgeting is really smart of you. Good luck!
I think as long as that system works for you it's all good. As for expensive things you can think of any extra money rolling over to the next month as a way to save up for something more expensive. I do that, when I know I'll spend more money. Like around Christmas time for example, when I buy gifts for people.
When I budget, I figure out how much to set aside for: bills, rent, food, emergency funds for things breaking for expensive healthcare bills...etc, anything fun, and money to put away to save for house/retirement/IRA/kind of stuff. I also shop around if I can get a better deal for internet, insurance,.etc. or like right now I'm looking at therapy prices.
That way the price of things don't matter as much because I can choose to buy something cheaper one month and wait to buy something expensive.
..like I always buy things on sale for food and make my own food, which is cheaper and save some of that money to help cover a healthcare bill or something. Or rollover one budget's fund into the next month to pay for something a little more expensive. Or I put it in the emergency fund.
It keeps me from overbuying or being lazy about what I buy and being thoughtful so that I don't waste money I really should save and always have at least some fall back cash in emergencies and some ability to save up for things. That was I don't panic.
Because something always breaks, or the car needs fixing, or a healthcare bill.
I think as long as that system works for you it's all good. As for expensive things you can think of any extra money rolling over to the next month as a way to save up for something more expensive. I do that, when I know I'll spend more money. Like around Christmas time for example, when I buy gifts for people.
When I budget, I figure out how much to set aside for: bills, rent, food, emergency funds for things breaking for expensive healthcare bills...etc, anything fun, and money to put away to save for house/retirement/IRA/kind of stuff. I also shop around if I can get a better deal for internet, insurance,.etc. or like right now I'm looking at therapy prices.
That way the price of things don't matter as much because I can choose to buy something cheaper one month and wait to buy something expensive.
..like I always buy things on sale for food and make my own food, which is cheaper and save some of that money to help cover a healthcare bill or something. Or rollover one budget's fund into the next month to pay for something a little more expensive. Or I put it in the emergency fund.
It keeps me from overbuying or being lazy about what I buy and being thoughtful so that I don't waste money I really should save and always have at least some fall back cash in emergencies and some ability to save up for things. That was I don't panic.
Because something always breaks, or the car needs fixing, or a healthcare bill.
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@shakemeup that's good advice. The problem is that I'm horrifically impulsive and seriously bad with money, especially when it comes to Warhammer, so I'm hoping this stricter budgeting system will help keep my desire to spend money in check (or at least limited enough that I can deal with it)