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I have no survival skills whatsoever

Pretty regularly, I find myself fantasizing about the apocalypse. Maybe it's the overactive threat-assessment region of my brain doing its thing, or maybe it's my forward-thinking nature making a prediction based on my bleak view of humanity. In either case, it's mentally stimulating to process all the variables it would take to survive in a world like that.

It's fun to run through the gamut of what-ifs and to ponder the optimal methods of meeting my basic needs, but that's really only because I'm so far removed from actually having to fight for my survival that it's safe to indulge these thoughts.

I've lived in cities my whole life. I know how to make ends meet no matter what hurdles I've come across, but a big part of that has to do with just how absurdly bountiful cities are with vital resources. And I'm good at surviving in cities. It's really not that hard. Just get a job, make money, go to where the food is, and then buy it. Repeat if you need to. You don't even need to know how to cook in this era of processed foods.

The level of competence required to survive nowadays is so ridiculously low that most people can't go a day without encountering an idiot. And if you're lucky enough that you can, that probably just means you're the idiot.

But getting back on topic, if things went sideways fast, the pandemonium that would ensue would probably be horrific. In 2020, people all over the country bought years worth of toilet paper because they couldn't even figure out how to wipe their asses in the event of a shortage.

The grocery stores would get wiped out in minutes if a real apocalyptic event were to occur, leaving me with nothing but my wits to get by on. I don't know how to hunt, I've never tended to a garden, the only thing I ever hooked while fishing was my own thumb. I am not remotely equipped to survive outside of cities.

I have no family or friends I could rely on. I have no skills or talents that would make me useful in a post-apocalyptic society. I don't even have the level of faith in people to ask them for help. I just have my dogs that haven't ever killed anything, and a handgun that I've only fired twice just to see if it worked.

The reality is that I'm probably going to have to steal from other people to get by. I would become the bad guys from the apocalypse movies, marauding and cannibalizing in order to keep myself afloat. It's a really macabre way of thinking, but the only skillset I really have is being bigger and stronger than most people. Back in the day, that would be really helpful to build things and dig holes and carry stuff, but machines have made brute strength pretty much irrelevant.

I bought a survival book earlier this year that I've yet to dig into, but I really hope to pick it apart and learn things that could help me make it in such a world. I'm not that dumb, so I'm hoping I can figure out how to survive without the comforts of modern civilization. I might just be a flabby nerd, but if people could figure out how to eke out a living with sticks and rocks, then I'm sure I can find a way too.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
When you leave your mind open to wander, anything can creep in, including fear. Be careful what you think about. You are what you think.
you busy tonight? my cell phone is dead atm but i can call from a dif phone lol
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@lovelywarpedlemon Sounds like a plan to me. But I need to let my own phone charge too since it's running low. Maybe around 9 it should finish up hopefully

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