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Keep me.
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WillowMoore · 22-25, F
I know you do. Even though no one may notice.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
I wish I could smile at you.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
I will. I will…
Nexialist · 26-30, M
You will be or not?
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
If you want to, I… can try.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
Will you be my new home?
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
There are more places to discover than homes. I won’t leave, this is home, I won’t. Will you?
Nexialist · 26-30, M
Don't left then. I have no home, also no places to discover.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
Where would I go? This is home.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
I'm not abandoning you. Either keeping you. If you go, I wouldn't stop you.

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