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This comment by s1526426 is pending approval.
hello :)
s1526426 · F
I am more than glad to hear that. I'm taking about my base, but there are many more.

-Alisa was distracted with the conversation between the two, she has this "tic" of playing with her hair all the time-

Hun? -she looked at Tim-

I'm 16 years old, Sir.
I know I'm young, but I was born to do this.
Many God Eaters start at this age, 15/16.

But you are not an ordinary God Eater, Alisa.

Yes... I'm one of the new types, extra skills -smiles-
I hope being this young doesn't bother you. We have plent more, and older, and male.

Yes, Soma Schickal, if you prefer.
s1526426 · F
[ I noticed that XD never mind haha]

Please, Alisa is perfect. Yes I do, not sure if you knew about me.

We are very welcoming people -smiles-
Sit, Alisa, let's have a chat.

-The girl takes a seat near Tim-

About the project, Mr. Tim, we asked help to Mr. Bruce cuz we are in crisis...
We are having problems with creatures that have been threatening our lives. The Aragami.

Now then, this is where the real fun starts. Let me explain the Fenrir Corporation's objectives once more. They are to keep the Aragami in this region at bay, and to gather materials...which are then converted into resources needed to maintain this advance base, as well as complete the impending 'Aegis Project.
The Aegis Project...is simply put a plan to creat a utopia impregnable against Aragami attacks. Located far out to sea, close to the former Sea of Japan trench.

Once the project is complete, humankind will be able to avoid extinction...at least for a while.

We, as God Eaters -said Alisa- try to maintain the balance between both worlds, but our sources are...low...
SherylNome · F
: I'm fine too only a bit tired :|
s1526426 · F
I shall tell you everything, but first... -calls the secretary-

Yes, would you bring some snacks and drinks? A coffee and soda for 3. Thank you -hangs up-

I was expecting Bruce Wayne himself, when he said his son was coming, did not think he'd be so young.

I'm impressed!

The miss here...come over -he says to the girl who got off the couch to be closer at the two of them.

She will be your shadow while you're here, a good shadow I mean -laughs-

-I'm Alisa Amiella, New Type of God Eater, I came from Russia Branch, 1st Unit here in Fenrir. Pleasure to meet you.

I'll be your guide while you're at our base -extends the hand, bow was not really her thing, and since both weren't japanese, that seemed like a better greeting-
s1526426 · F
We are the ones full of joy for your precious help.
You can be sure that the name of your company will be stamp through the all The Aegis Project.

We'll make sure to pay everything.

Not sure if you are aware of what is it all about...
Would you like something to drink? -says grabbing the telephone-
s1526426 · F
-Tim had arrive to a very strong tecnological fort.
As soon as he entered to the building, the secretary welcome him with a bow, as japanese people always do, offering herself to guide him to Johannes von Schicksal's office-

This way please, Mr. Johannes has been wating for you.

-So they walk in a long corridor stopping at a door with the corporation symbol on it. She knocked once and opened the door-

Sir, Mr. Tim Drake has arrive -opens the door to let him pass closing it right after-

Johannes was sitting in a very relaxed way, but once he glanced at the boy, his eyes widened, making him lean foward in a smile and then raising-

Welcome to Japan, Mr. Tim, just in time! -gives him a very excited hand shaked.

Sitting on the couch was a platinum haired girl, which also raised when he got inside, giving him a curious interesting look-

Please, let us seat -recommends the leader-
SherylNome · F
: Of course And how are you? :$