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26-30, M
About Me
About Me

"I don't like people putting me in a box. Telling me what I'm capable of. Telling me who I am. I chose to become Robin.
Nobody picked me."


Tim's earliest memory is of a circus and an acrobat, and death and the Batman. Maybe it was just one of those things that happen in the world, maybe he was always meant to help people, but whether he was destined to be there or the victim of coincidence, that memory has influenced his entire life. Tim read every newspaper article, watched every television special - he even started a scrapbook before he was eight of every Batman sighting. At nine, he found the answer to the question the entire world is still burning to know: Batman is Bruce Wayne.

He remembered that acrobat from the circus, and saw him in Robin: Dick Grayson. Later, after Dick quit, and Jason died as the second Robin, Tim tried to reconcile things between Bruce and Dick. Unable to convince Dick to be Robin again, Tim donned the scaly panties himself - once. After proving that he was capable, he became the third Robin. Batman's partner. The one with pants.



"'Red Robin' isn't a hero. I can cross lines that Robin can't. This is my mission. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to find Bruce."

Sometime between sixteen and seventeen, Tim became the official universal punching bag. He lost his dad, his girlfriend, his two best friends, his whole life started to fall apart. It all culminated in Bruce's apparent death; the rest of the world accepted it, but Tim refused to believe it. He couldn't. And when Dick fired him to make room for Damian as Robin - something that Tim couldn't take at the time - he left. He donned the Red Robin uniform, and traveled Europe searching for proof that Bruce was alive. He found it, and helped retrieve his adopted father. Along the way, he fell in with Ra's al Ghul for a time; just long enough to really pull the wool over his eyes and cripple the League of Assassins. For a time.

With Bruce back, and Tim having spent over a year on the Barge, redeeming inmates and meeting people he never would have, he's starting to want something a little different. Red Robin has done all it can for him, and he can't go back to being Robin - though some part of him still wants to. But there's always the uniform he wore in the Unternet, and soon Gotham will be hearing the name Redwing around town...
