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GuyWithOpinions: How can you tell the difference between a norse...
@GeistInTheMachine never heard of vikings?
1 day ago
octoberthesixth: why would you go to Louvre Museum?
To see the stuff that we haven't got in the...
3 days ago
Bumbles: I think America’s official bird should be a...
So what is America's current official bird? Don't...
3 days ago
DogMan: When will Trump start rounding up the Democrats?
@HobNoblin you do know how it ended for the nazis,...
5 days ago
JohnOlinger81: Could you sleep with 101 people in one day
@JimboSaturn I've asked on Facebook, but none of...
1 week ago
Jenny1234: Did you know you can tap your debit card through...
@OlderSometimesWiser I'm going to try it next time...
2 wks ago
CountScrofula: What's the largest animal you could take in a...
@CountScrofula then the whale and I will go for a...
2 wks ago
CountScrofula: What's the largest animal you could take in a...
I could take down a blue whale, on land.
2 wks ago
Avectoijesuismoi: And if one man can stand tall There must be hope...
@Avectoijesuismoi 'partnerships and alliances' -...
2 wks ago
Avectoijesuismoi: And if one man can stand tall There must be hope...
@Avectoijesuismoi mutually beneficial? What's LA...
2 wks ago
Avectoijesuismoi: And if one man can stand tall There must be hope...
@Avectoijesuismoi obviously.
2 wks ago
Avectoijesuismoi: And if one man can stand tall There must be hope...
@Avectoijesuismoi don't come back.
2 wks ago
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