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46-50, F
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Gorgeous princess
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 🥳
36-40, F
Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!
26-30, M
Us sharing a bbc together.
26-30, F
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings and all the peace and joy you can take! ❤️
Just thinking of you. ❄️
51-55, M
With all my feelings.
I’ll miss ya
26-30, F
Lol, I suppose this is likely the least hippie gift on here. I give it to you to remind you to be decisive in your life and to put decisions to rest once they are made. You cannot re-adjudicate the past. :)
41-45, M
For You
This is totally random and off-the-wall but I hope you like it.
41-45, M
For You
I tell feel horrible. Please understand that I was only trying to help. I’m so sorry. 🦋
Thank you for your kindness. :)
here my friend her name is molly
36-40, F
This is what most people think a Kiwi isn't. Where I come from they are known as Chinese Gooseberries. The growers actually refer to them as Chink Berries. Not very PC. We renamed them Kiwifruit just for export purposes. A brilliant move.
51-55, M
Happy new year
26-30, F
Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!
26-30, F
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Rya! I hope all is well in your neck of the woods! :)
Thanks for accept me for being Gay.

You are a sweetheart
41-45, F
I'm already married but there's no reason, we can't enjoy a bottle together! ✌
61-69, M
Have a great day. I know it ain't much
Have a few licks on me
61-69, M
you hot and sweet and very lovable