Odds on me staying up to watch the Superbowl and sleeping in every class tomorrow?P.S I have little to no interest in NFL
So I log in after a day and my inbox is bursting with messages. What have I done to warrant all this sudden attention!?
I Dont Go to ChurchMy parents don't even bother anymore and they claim to be "devout Catholics." You're not fooling anyone guys...
I Love AccentsWhat do you mean you love accents? Everyone has an accent unless they're mute....I have a west Irish accent, my parents have Spanish accents, my English friend has a Birmingham accent, my American friend has a Boston accent....everyone has an Accent!
I Think Too MuchI'm constantly being driven mad by my own brain and its obsession with overthinking things. I shouldn't be allowed alone for long periods of time because my brain fills with thoughts that just plunge me into depression from thinking too much..
I Love the LibrarySo my town might be getting an actual library And I've never been so excited about something 😂
I Love PizzaMe: "Why do I keep gaining weight?" Also me: "Let's order a large pizza, garlic bread, wedges and wings and not share any of it!" Everyone bow down to pizza or prepare to feel the wrath of the Pizza God.
I am a New Member at Similar WorldsAny talk of an app for this? Would make things sooo much smoother.