I’m closing in on three quarters of a century making laps around the sun. And beginning a whole new chapter in my life. Changing from caretaker to self care and exploring new ideas. With nature being the center of the search.
Being a sage means one has gained wisdom, mostly from life's experiences. It's not that I have all the answers, but I will comment on things when I have something to offer. Mostly what not to do.
I have been a wanderer all of my life in fact my mother insisted that I had gypsy blood in me. Besides traveling I also value my time in nature wandering around wildlife areas, in forests and woods and along shorelines. And it also makes me more of a naturist than a nudist being one with nature in a natural state.
As of the beginning of the year I lost my soulmate and partner in life. I’ve committed myself to survive and begin again.
Most of all, I have reached that place in my life where I can walk away from drama. The place I strive to be.