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This profile may contain Mildly Adult content.
Currently an uncomfortable young adult that happens to also be a hippie loser.
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I mean, being vegan sounds cool anyway so... 😎
You're very sweet. Hope you're well! <3
Any time! Have uh, this goat. You can keep her in the bathtub.
46-50, F
Thank you very much! 🤗
Enjoy! ☺️
keep fighting the good fight g
31-35, M
The lack of awareness is heartbreaking. Black people are literally trying to live the same life as everyone else and the privileged with their fragile little egos decide to patronize them about it
I appreciate and respect the information you been providing. It’s made some uncomfortable—and a lot of people think.
26-30, M
me lamenting my brokeness but ice cream and waffles tho
26-30, M
this matches ur PFP aesthetic maybe..?
36-40, M
I got your 4000 coins RIGHT HERE
Sorry there were no emeralds.
Always cool to see you around! :)
Ah thank you my friend! 🤗
46-50, M
You seem fun lets share
Thank you for adding me..
I hope you enjoy your time here..