When you live right near to a field and people are having a party in itIt's gonna be Jason all over again 😂😭😳
Why does everyone hate Donald Trump?I haven't really heard what's going on with him. I did hear about the thing he said about the woman and all of the racist things. Donald Trump is right when he said that most men talk like that. Least he was honest.
I'm really glad I'm not posh. Imagine posh people if the world had an outbreakThey would be the first to die.
Has anyone had lucid dreams?I used to have them a lot but they have suddenly stopped. They are probably the scariest things that have happened to me. When it feels and you can see someone sitting on you and you can't do anything is the scariest.
I have a feeling I'm going to die soon.I can't see myself old. Maybe I'm just not going to age. Or I'm going to die young.
I've just read another sad storie about a man who killed his 9 day old baby because he was jealous his girlfriend was giving it more attention.This is the reason you should need a license to have kids.
How can we be here and not know what for?And don't tell me we're here to have children and get married.
Just reading about a story in Russia, about a kid who cut a love rivals head off with a kitchen knifeI never knew you could cut someone's head off with a knife. I thought it had to be something like a axe or sword and so on.
My parents were visiting me in New York and they were checking into the hotel and my mam sits near this really big black woman and my dad records myMom while he's singing all kinds of shit to them. The woman sitting next to my mom looks so scared.