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LittleRee: I Love Youtube
omg this was great XD
7 yrs ago
Toolmar1: What is your weather like right now?
@Toolmar1: ill try lol
7 yrs ago
Toolmar1: What is your weather like right now?
forecast says snow but its just cloudy right now
7 yrs ago
rriiaa: who was ur first kiss
my ex boyfriend :-p
7 yrs ago
PuzzledMantis: Im getting a new raincoat and idk what color to...
thats actually what my last one was
7 yrs ago
Mamoru: It makes me sad
7 yrs ago
Invisible: What's worth reading?
anything by ray bradbury
7 yrs ago
PuzzledMantis: what should i eat for dinner??
i had that last night
7 yrs ago
Jexshot: what do girls like in a guy?
i think smart is sexy and confidence it really...
7 yrs ago
smallguywimp: Would you rob a bank if you knew you'd get away...
it was a joke im an over privileged bitch whos...
7 yrs ago
smallguywimp: Would you rob a bank if you knew you'd get away...
gotta pay for this college somehow
7 yrs ago
smallguywimp: Han Solo or Indiana Jones?
if were going to talk star wars im going with mace...
7 yrs ago
chaekowski: Why do you like jazz music so much?
the variety is really refreshing
7 yrs ago
AlmightyLoad: what is Hilary Clinton's greatest trait ?
ive never seen a pig rock a pantsuit so well in my...
7 yrs ago