This profile may contain Mildly Adult content.
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RunTheJulz · 46-50, F
RunTheJulz thinks you are Untidy.

Ok, I’m only kidding but do consider cleaning your mirror!! 🪞 (it’d make it easier to see whoever is in it)
Gerry2478 · 36-40, M
Can I please obey you again?
Natureman · 61-69, M
Love your profile pic
RunTheJulz · 46-50, F
@Natureman That mirror is hideously dirty and makes me want to send some Windex for the betterment of humanity… and so we can see her face clearly!! (But mostly for the betterment of humanity tbh) lol
I think I’m just jealous of the days when I was younger and the details weren’t of great importance because there was life to be experienced and enjoyed!! ☺😊
I think I’m just jealous of the days when I was younger and the details weren’t of great importance because there was life to be experienced and enjoyed!! ☺😊