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Ravenclaw. The Quibbler Magazine.
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About Me



[code]Born to Elodie and Zechariah Morgan in 1958, Pandora was immediately their crowning jewel. Her older brother, Alder was the cornerstone but Pandora was the princess. She was beautiful and sweet and gentle, everything the Morgans could have wanted from their perfect little girl. Pandora spent her childhood traipsing through the fields surrounding the Morgan’s home, getting to know the plant-life and ecology of her home. Linen dresses and overalls and dirt-covered foot soles were her life. Little has changed for her in that sense. Upon going to Hogwarts, Pandora was sorted into Ravenclaw. The world was a huge, wondrous place and Pandora’s thirst for knowledge leaked forth in her schooling years. She spent about a year travelling the world after she graduated. She knew what she wanted to do but wanted to have a grand adventure before settling down into reality.[/code]

[code]Pandora Lovegood
Order of the Phoenix
Earth's destruction
10¾", cypress wood, Whit River Monster core[/code]


[code]Tinkering is going to be the death of you. Those were the words uttered from her mothers mouth when Pandora was growing up. She had always been a curious girl, forever wanting to understand how anything she could get her hands on worked. While her mother secretly wanted her to play with dolls and the other girls in their neighbourhood, Pandora was always more interested in what her father was doing. He was an inventor, you see, and so Pandora had decided from a young age that she too would be an inventor. Equally, they both loved her dearly, and were happy so long as she was. Forever wanting to know more, it was no surprise that she was sorted in to Ravenclaw, and it was there that she met her now husband, Xenophilius. They two of them got on like a house on fire from day one, and now they support and contribute to each others ventures whenever they can. [/code]