Please help me by voting Please take a few seconds a day to vote for my picture until March 11th. Thank you in advance and God bless you!
Do you have any questions about Jesus?I know the majority of Jews do not believe Jesus to be the son of God and the Messiah, but have/ do you have any questions about him? I am asking as a project and to gather questions only, not to start a debate or answer (unless anyone wants me to).... See More »
Is this love normal?I had a sister, who has since passed away, but even when she was here with me she was my everything. I don't feel like the love I have for her is a normal one but maybe it is. She was my best friend. She was my whole purpose for existing. Our... See More »
I could speak of your love forever!My first love and passion will always be Jesus! I love love love to learn about him, read the word of God and have discussions with people in the hopes they find their way to him. I know I have been called to be a pastor and while I don't know all... See More »
My HobbiesI love figure skating! It's so peaceful, graceful and beautiful. I also enjoy nature and wildlife photography. I also loved playing the guitar and been wanting to get back into it. It allowed me to let go and release some stress and anger.
His desire is my desireMy goal is to do the will of God. My dream is to be used by him. Those who know me know that I have one of the strongest loves for God and his son Jesus that you will ever see. Because of this, my life goals and dreams aren't typical of someone my... See More »
A Hateful Human RaceI feel weighed down by everything that is going on. Not just in my little personal bubble but all over the world. I can't understand why it is so easy and so common for people to kill each other. If we are made in God's image shouldn't it be more... See More »