The universe and ISometimes I imagine how we talk, how I saw you in the dreams, then you express yourself so openly, because I do not ask anything of you. And I can't explain how good it feels to see you, to know you, to understand you, because you understand me too.... See More »
Such is the gangsta lifeI want nothing of you Because I love you No control over you Because I want to see you become The one who has it all And if I fall If I fall Do not reach for me For I am far behind For I can never match your pace But I can see from behind Your... See More »
Creation is upon youTomorrow you will wake from a dream you never had before 'Monkey bro, I tell you a secret. Write down the person you want to meet. How they will act with you, how they will show you love. Then you meet them' Monke replied 'give me a pen and paper'
No flowers on valentines dayI hope I get a giant sunflower someday, cause it's the best flower. Just like in shrek. My ogre will save me and marry his best friend off to a dragon.
Is this illegal?I told monke 'monkey bro I'm actually a wizard' Monke looked at me like I was crazy 'how so?' I said 'I can see past, present and future. I do it effortlessly, but I have no teacher and no apprentice' Monke was confused 'Do you need one?' I reply... See More »
He was serious tooOne time monke told me 'you gotta get your shit together', I said 'easy for you to say monkey bro, you do nothing all day, the government doesn't control you, they don't use you as a meat machine for their mass mind control system'. Then monke said... See More »
Betrayal of the monkeMy feet in the snow, a bud in my hand, I stand at the bus station and see a monkey approaching me. I look at my bud and then at the monkey in disbelief. I say 'hey monkey bro... it's cold, how did you get here?', he stared at me and reached out his... See More »
Love is a questionCuriously, you look for different kinds of love. The love of your brother, the love of your friend, the love of your mother, the love of your soul, the love of a lost one, the love of the world, the love of heartbreak, the love of confusion, the love... See More »
Physicist, listenI joined the forces Oh they tortured me good To stop us all But there is an uprise Lies have consequences Many will fall For their freedom Time isn't linear
His guidanceA clarity that came When I first heard you talk How we met in future How I saw you in the past We were always connected My other half Long lost one My miracle Look how beautiful you are I'll show what I've seen While you clear the path The sunflowers... See More » (2)
Beyond the starsHe moved his spirit Multiple timelines Would he walk and show me All that is laid out? Walk a little longer with me I have always known you (1)