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Something about me upset her? Manami hated me? Died hating me. — He would have been lying if he didn’t admit to himself that the confirmation had stung a little. Hell, it had landed in his gut like a punch. — Is that what it means? — James asked, head tilted slightly in puzzlement. For some reason the woman continued talking about Manami as if she was conscious somewhere inside her head. His mouth went dry at the thought and he took another swig of alcohol, letting that sink.

If what the brunette was saying was true, it meant that Manami had kept a grudge on him, she had felt betrayed and abandoned there. He had no way to fix it.
Story of my life, he thought.

«if you mess with any of my past lives, you mess with me »

Barnes shook his head and chuckled like her promise of retribution was merely an amusing anecdote. He looked back across the room, his eyes fixed on one of the walls full of drawings in charcoal and other trinkets as she continued talking about those past lives. He had no reason to believe she was lying, not with the evidence there. — So… let’s say I believe you. There’s nothing I could possibly do to make things right now, is there?

You can keep the money of the brawl by the way. Then at least fortune would have smiled on someone today. — James said, raising his bottle in a toast. Watching as Jenna hopped off the table and walked towards him. She mockingly namedropped Gandalf and he patted himself for understanding that reference.

The reincarnated bent on him, the soldier leaned too taking a closer look at the mysterious pendant hanging from her neck, and then -inevitably- into her her eyes. They had an attractive shine, as if they glinted with the prospect of adventure. She really was something. The expression on his face changed, he regarded her with skeptical amusement —Yeah, I think I’m more Interested in getting out of here — he said, surprised by this new attitude. If excitement turned her friendly, he wasn’t going to object.

And that’s how they found themselves at the Pebble Beach at Main Street Park, admiring the Brooklyn bridge on their next stop.