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If you’re asking if it helps me sleep at night, I lament to inform you that my sleep hasn’t improved that much yet. — But Barnes didn't elaborate on how it truly made him feel. He wasn’t going to start talking about his therapy sessions, or how he was working through another list for atonement and closure. Not that he was hard to read on that either. It was clear that the man was on a quest for identity in terms of really accepting his past and re-educating himself about the world he was currently in. He felt out of time. The ideals and principles he had lived by, and been driven by, no longer served him the same way.

«And I'm not Manami.»

He snorted, in what had to be the biggest understatement of the year. — Yeah… I don’t believe you are her. You don’t even have Japanese ancestry. So, how are you related to the Nakahara sisters? — He asked, metal fingers tapping gently against the table before he reached for the bottle she was offering him.— Do you know what happened to them after the camp? — Bucky wasn't normally a chatterbox but he had a fancy bottle he wouldn’t waste and legit curiosity to hear the story.

Also… How do you do it? The portals, I mean. —He continued throwing more questions at her as he pulled a dusty armchair to make himself comfortable. —Are you some kind of wizard? —This time she gave him a look that told him that he was asking a stupid question. But really, he wasn’t.

— You know, first I’d get some medicine for that bruise on your face before asking for a fair fight. Will probably help the swelling.