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Work always forced him to focus on the present, he needed that reminder these days. Too much history for him to get lost in if he indulged. Working was easier compared to that.

It had been 80 years, of course chances were Manami wasn’t even alive or she was, by then, a very old lady. Suddenly James felt the need to know how it had happened. What it had been of the Nakahara sisters after the war. And, at the same time, he feared to learn about it.

There was no answer from him as seconds ticked by. His eyes briefly settling on the chaotic mess that place was. The curly-haired could almost hear his brain working with the information she had dropped. This woman was sputtering words about “previous lives” and James wanted to laugh, he didn’t know if all of this was real or a bad joke. Was that even possible? As in… reincarnation? Then again, wondered the man who had been frozen for almost a century— as if anything else was hard to believe after that. Maybe not so much. Maybe not at all after everything he had seen himself.

Maybe it was the quiet, or maybe it was the fact that James was so willing to share his memories with Manami somehow. For their story to have a different closure perhaps. Opening up to this stranger now could be the closest thing he would ever get to that.

I… — He began — I was taken prisoner one year after being sent to war, then turned into a lab rat, then into a weapon for the soviets. — His Vibranium arm always a tangible reminder of the horrors he had been through. He wanted to blame the downer in his blood as he continued… — Took me a lifetime to be set free, to reclaim my body and my memories back. But I’m nowhere near the same man Manami met.

It wasn’t until he was free of Hydra and of going back into the chair, that his mind could begun reassembling itself. Then it was only a matter of connecting the pieces. At first the Japanese girl didn’t have a name. She had started as something little more than a shadow and a sensation, but as memories had returned to him, so did she. The shadow became a shape, then a person.

Another ghost from his past.

I was forced to commit crimes during those decades, so now I’m trying to hunt down all those that were behind or involved in any way.— As a sniper, Bucky had always been able to focus on a single target, ignoring everything else going on around him. That hadn't changed over the years. And so he went through his list. Destroying Hydra safe houses scattered all over America. Digging up information Hydra had on him. Tracking down the people that could make him forget his name again and taking them out (even the oldest one, almost 93 years old and nearly blind). He didn’t kid himself. Even with the damage he’d done, Hydra was far from broken, but the branch that had made and maintained the Winter Soldier would take years to recover.

Tonight was no different but, guess what? You ruined the task. — There she was, smiling a crooked smile that was no less sharp, yet tinged with humor. He hadn’t even asked her name, so he finally did.— Who are you? And how are you related to any this? I mean, like for real.