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[code]TULE LAKE 1942/1943[/code]

The relocated citizens were surrounded by barbed wire and 28 guard towers. Life did continue inside those barracks. Though residents had been deprived of their most basic rights.

The original order for the military was that they were not to fraternize with the Japanese, but that quickly became unworkable for Barnes. Everyone knew he just couldn't keep his damn mouth shut for a second, standing up for the abused, cussing out the guards, and doing extracurricular activities he wasn’t supposed to do. It was like he had made it his personal mission to try and help everyone, and one day it was going to bite him in the ass. No wonder Steve and Bucky had been thick as thieves since they were kids. Anyone who knew Rogers could see where Barnes had got his disturbing martyr complex from.

He'd had James 'just call me Bucky' Barnes pegged for the usual greenhorn officer or pretty much anyone else referring to him. He just couldn’t make the Nakahara girl to use it, she wasn’t up to raise any wrong rumors about what was going on there, enough gossip was already spoken among the officers who had seen them sneaking and meeting in secret when the sun was down. The soft glances they'd exchange when they thought no-one was looking.

Gentlemen should always keep secrets that aren't theirs to tell.


— Everything I hoped, you say? It doesn’t work like that.— The Sergeant chuckled humorlessly at her question. — When you enlist you get orders. There’s selective training and service act, you don’t get to choose where you are sent for these. Like the good little soldier you are, you do as you are told. Depending on the assignment, sometimes you train at six or more different locations before they finally deploy you overseas.— He explained, lighting up a cigarette, watching Manami braid her hair through the haze.

—I drafted myself for the Big war. So, you’re right. I shouldn’t be here.— They called it the Big war because that's what it was; Big, capital B. Too many people, too many places, too much at once. Barnes had been months away from home by then —at the other extreme of the country far from home. He missed Brooklyn.


Whenever he saw the Nakahara girls together, he would think of his three sisters back in New York. Bucky and Manami could talk for hours about them and what they were capable to do to try and protect them— but there was only so much they could actually do at the current circumstances.

Barnes would have been fighting for them the whole time. If only he had known he would never come home to them. After the war, Becca, Dottie and Evie had to settle for nothing but an empty grave and an obituary that talked more about Captain America than their brother.

Naturally, he couldn’t do much for the Nakahara sisters.

The last time he saw Manami, he had been happy to tell her the news: He was going back to New York, he was being shipped to England.

He had refused to take Akane with him. Barnes wasn’t going to cross the country with a Japanese girl. He could go to jail. He could lose his rank, he could lose everything he had worked so hard. —Keep the head down. The war will be soon over and you and Akane will be out of here. Be patient.— The sergeant warned her about joining the riots at the camp. The guards were instructed to use force against the insurgents.

There wasn’t a goodbye.


— The money isn’t yours. The management of that place launders money for HYDRA. You shouldn’t have been there. Now give me my shit back.— He demanded, tossing the sketchbook at the curly-haired.