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Mob of Eastern Grey Kangaroos
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Mindful · 56-60, F
Are you really so blessed that you get to take photographs of such beauty so frequently?!!!!!????
Gusman · 61-69, M
@Mindful A lot of these photos are from the net. But we do see this stuff all the time, live. All the time. I have recently bought a new camera and am now posting my own pictures of our wildlife. So you will find some in my featured posts.
Here is one taken by me about 4 days ago?
Mother and Daughter Red Tailed Black Cockatoos
Mindful · 56-60, F
okay, (it’s great you went out and got a camera), but how do you know it’s mother and daughter, and does your love of animals mean that you are a guy with lots of terrariums or pets at home?
Gusman · 61-69, M
1) They are both Females,males do not have the speckling.
2) Breeding season has recently passed.
3) Strong family ties see them stay together for a long time.
I have no pets because I am always out in the bush enjoying the Native Animals

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