Star gazing and SatellitesI remember looking up to the night sky 40 plus years ago and being in awe of seeing 2 or 3 Satellites pass overhead in an hour. Last night I was in the Aussie bush, 100 km from Perth, stargazing. What astounded me was the number of satellites I saw.... See More »
I have seen two of the most significant events regarding humans and the Solar SystemOn July 21(Australia) 1969 as a 7 year old I watched Neil Armstrong step onto the moon. The first human to achieve this feat. On September 27 (Australia) at 7.24am I watched the DART Spacecraft slam into the Asteroid Dimorphos at 14,000 mph. The... See More »
I will never understand how planets hang in the airLooking at that picture of Jupiter, what holds it up. What stops it from falling down. 🤔😄 (1)
Don't forget, Nasa 's plan to hit an asteroid the size of a large stadium is in approximately 15 hours timeNorthwest brought you the news 3 days ago. NASA's DART spacecraft will crash into the asteroid Dimorphos on Sept. 26 at 7:14 p.m. EDT. 23.14 GMT. Live streamed on NASA LIVE NASA TV upcoming events... See More » (1)
Have we been visited by Aliens?(both)Who remembers the events of Sep 19, 1961? Barney and Betty Hill were an American couple who claimed they were abducted by extraterrestrials in a rural portion of the state of New Hampshire from September 19 to September 20, 1961. The so called, "Hill... See More »
Southern Hemisphere residents only to participateDon't forget, you Star Stuff Buffs, new moon will allow perfect viewing for the Eta Aquariids Meteor Shower this weekend. The Shower started last month and now we are coming to Peak Time. Meaning there will be up to 50 Meteors an hour visible May 4 -... See More »
Black Hole at the centre of our Galaxy photographed for the first timeThe first snapshots of Sgr A* were captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a planetary wide network of telescopes stretching from Antarctica to Europe. ABC Australia article (2)
Holy Moon Beams.....Plants grow in lunar soil for the first time, as NASA plans for life on the Moon Scientists have used lunar soil collected during Apollo missions to grow plants for the first time. Seeds planted in lunar soil sprouted, but the plants ended up... See More »