Protector de Lina Inverse.
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LinaInverse · M
LinaInverse thinks you are Best Friend.

Eres muy amable, te lo agradezco. Cuando gustes podemos iniciar una historia entretenida.

Gracias por aceptar mi solicitud de amistad Gourry Gabriev, espero y podamos ser buenos amigos
LisaGremory · F
Llamame, Mârz
LisaGremory · F
Gracias, por aceptar
*la señorita haria una reverencia*
*la señorita haria una reverencia*
ArturiaPendragon · 31-35, F
ArturiaPendragon thinks you are Charming.

User1539426 · F
{{ Jajajajaja vale, aun eres mi hermano que no se te olvide, y le romperé la cara a quien moleste, pero los anónimos ni siquiera tienen cara así que no se como hacerlo, mis saludos a ti. }}
User1539426 · F
{{ Lata que haya gente que ni siquiera de la cara, personas tan enfermas existirán siempre. Tal vez yo también desactive las preguntas anónimas, a veces se presta para mal. Yo te deseo mucha suerte en tu relación y que perdure por los siglos de los siglos, amén. {?} }}

( No son muchos... De hecho escribe muy bien comparado con la mayoría. Ya ve, en éste turno sólo encontré un error que es "for make" que sería a la vez "to make the lasagna". Buen trabajo alumno mío! xDU )
She didn't want to be there and do nothing so she turned out to be like his assitant while he did the most important things. She chopped some onions and other vegetables he would need and then like a child she watched carefully what he was doing.
~ I guess it will be fine...
Mumbles, glancing at him. In the meantime she started to clean the mess they did in the kitchen, leaving just the stuff they would still need.
She didn't want to be there and do nothing so she turned out to be like his assitant while he did the most important things. She chopped some onions and other vegetables he would need and then like a child she watched carefully what he was doing.
~ I guess it will be fine...
Mumbles, glancing at him. In the meantime she started to clean the mess they did in the kitchen, leaving just the stuff they would still need.

( No hay de que. Seguiré haciéndolo, ya mismo. Y qué tal "He was a little bit surprised when he saw..." Suena mucho mejor, no cree? Otra cosa, evite cambios de tiempo verbal, sí empezó con el verbo to be en el pasado, más correcto será "He was a little bit surprised when he saw that the floor was already dry, and listening that she was..." Mantenga el tiempo. Lamento sí soy una profesora exigente. xDDD Una otra corrección... "meanwhie he watches" a la vez de see. Y las comas, como yo usted exagera en ellas. Hmm terminando, sería looks y no look. Omg, qué testamento, no me mate (?) )
~ Lasagna? I guess I have everything.. After all, it's my favorite. Go on, take a look and make yourself at home.
So she said, after all, she got excited with the idea of eating lasagna. Since she knew better where she had the ingredients she took out some of them to leave them on the table, even the meat.
~ Is there anything you need more tan these?
She asked, looking at all the stuff that occupied half of the table. There were onions, some herbs, tomatos, the pasta and all the other things she knew they would need.
~ Lasagna? I guess I have everything.. After all, it's my favorite. Go on, take a look and make yourself at home.
So she said, after all, she got excited with the idea of eating lasagna. Since she knew better where she had the ingredients she took out some of them to leave them on the table, even the meat.
~ Is there anything you need more tan these?
She asked, looking at all the stuff that occupied half of the table. There were onions, some herbs, tomatos, the pasta and all the other things she knew they would need.
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