FearfulHarmonyReborn is using SimilarWorlds.
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I am a vampire femboy named Vytra. Please treat me like you would any normal girl.
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Just to say thanks for your nice comments on my picture ๐Ÿ’‹
Thanks for the ring โ˜บ
Hope to see you again soon
Mmm... the darker the better... rich substance!
26-30, F
Wowza! Youโ€™re so kind. Thank you ๐Ÿค—
41-45, M
For You
31-35, F
bee beep
46-50, M
You won!
22-25, F
Vanilla :)
26-30, M
Eat my candy balls ;)
70-79, M
Thank you for the gift. I`ve always wanted to go to London. ๐Ÿ˜‹
41-45, M
Here You Go
22-25, F
I made it in your top 4 hehe :D
Aww super sweet! Thanks for the gift! :)