How do you slow dance when your girlfriend has dwarfism?How would you personally slow dance with your girlfriend if they are 3‘8“ and you are 5‘11“? I am trying to plan activities for our date on Friday, we are possibly going bowling, and or dancing, then for sure dinner and a movie afterwards. if anyone... See More »
I want to make sure this is respectful and accessibleMe and my girlfriend play the Nintendo Wii bowling all the time, we’re going to an actual bowling alley be accessible for her? She is coming over this weekend and I’m trying to think of some activities for us to do. On Friday night we were going to... See More »
Dating and hoping to marry, but partner has a dwarfismI’ve known this girl for quite a long time, and we are about to go on our second date night, she haspituitary, which is a type of dwarfism. I know this is quite some time down the road, but how is marriage when your partner has dwarfism? Excuse me... See More »
When it comes to dating a girl with dwarfism, I could use some adviceI want to make it clear that I’m only reposting this so I can move it into another Forum. (new to this site, so still trying to figure it out) What is it like to date a girl with dwarfism, specifically pituitary dwarfism. I’ve known her for quite a... See More »
When it comes to dating someone with dwarfism…What is it like to date a girl with dwarfism, specifically pituitary dwarfism. I’ve known her for quite a while, and I’m curious as to if dwarfism would affect dating. She is around 3‘8“ tall, but she has a huge heart, honestly and truthfully, she... See More »