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A photo taken by my husband on a lovely fortnight away in the sunshine
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Lucky you and husband 馃槉
samueltyler280-89, M
you look awesome, but why blur those beautiful breasts?
A happy and enjoyable way to spend a day at the beach , lovely photo
callis4046-50, M
lovely pic gorgepus smile, but a bit blury.....hehe 馃構
nuddie61-69, M
Shame about the blur
poshnaturist51-55, M
Beautiful lady in a beautiful location
daydeeo61-69, M
It looks like you have lovely breasts and I wish you would have left just a bit more of your happy smile! 馃槞
Secretadmirer80636-40, M
Lovely would love to see the uncensored one
ronisme161-69, M
Love your smile
braveheart2161-69, M
Stunning figure ...shame about the blurring tho

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